Join the Guild!

Blooming-Grove Organic Farm, also known as Blooming-Grove Gardens, is a private, start-up farming cooperative made up of volunteers, members and its’ landowner offering a wildlife setting for folks to share beekeeping, organic gardening and other holistic farm-related activities to be added over time.

Cooperative participation begins with leasing one or more full wired-enclosure(s) for growing low to moderate-height fruits, vegetables, flowers or herbs needing protection from resident wildlife. Participation also includes use of the farm for meditation, ‘green’ walks and shared activities. Our 2024 season’s project is the Three Sisters: a Native American companion planting ( ‘intercropping’) approach, the yields from which are shared by coop participants or donated to Durham Rescue Mission.


Open! 2/24/2024

Three Introductory Standard Rental Options

  • 1. Full Enclosure, Gabled, Wired 9'10"x 19'6"; including four (4) 1'x4'x8' galvanized steel raised beds

    RENTED 2024. Enclosure offers full-sun exposure with 4 galvanized-steel 8’x4’x1’ raised plots, covered with chicken wire for protection from wildlife. Trellising required for fruiting or flowering vines, not included. $1250 annually.

  • 2. Full Enclosure, FlatTop, Wired 9'x18'6", galvanized steel plots

    RENTED 2024. Enclosure offers full-sun exposure with galvanized-steel raised plots (various sizes to fit) and covered with chicken wire for protection from wildlife. Trellising required for fruiting or flowering vines, not included. $1250 annually.

  • 3. Single Raised Garden Bed, Galvanized Steel 8'x4'x1', Unenclosed

    8’x4’x1’ plots situated on a thick layer of wood chips to inhibit undergrowth. Members set up their own wildlife protection and trellising as needed.. $250 annually.

  • Custom Options Will Be Considered

    Wildlife enclosures for 2024 are rented. Ask about a custom sized inground plot or raised-bed configuration.

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Success Hint: 3Ts

Trellis, Train & Trim

Success Hint: 3Ps

Pollinate, Protect & Prune